Let's uncover the root cause of your body pain and finally fix it, for good!


Achy back. Creaky hips. Strained neck. Painful knees, limited mobility!

You’ve always known that age would take its toll, but honestly? You were NOT prepared for your body’s downhill slide into annoying aches, debilitating pains, or the constant grief of not being able to move the way you want to. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could get you out of pain, keep you out of pain, and prevent you from injuring yourself again? 

Not just by using custom insoles, doing daily “core work,” or relying on cortisone injections, but by finding a cutting-edge method of RESTORATIVE MOVEMENT that could turn back the clock and have you finally feeling better forever more?

Well, you’re in luck – because you’re here now and you found me. And that’s exactly what I do.

Hi, I’m Johdi Woodford, former elite athlete-turned-Pilates instructor, currently the only restorative movement specialist in Gland, Switzerland with treatment protocols so effective that my clients call them ‘MAGIC!’

In short, I’m the person you hire when the physio, chiropractor, yoga instructor, and other forms of therapy you’ve tried to heal your body back to how it “used to feel,” aren’t delivering the lasting results you really want.

Whether you’re suffering from head pain, jaw pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, hand pain, groin pain, hip pain, leg pain, knee pain, foot pain, or back pain – IT’S A PAIN – and I’m here to give you total clarity on what’s really causing it, and what to do about it.


Using Neurokinetic Therapy in Gland, Switzerland and Virtually, Online

My method works with your body from the ground-up through a system of restorative movement. Working with me, we don’t simply fix the symptoms by offering therapy to just that one shoulder, or ankle, or hip (like physio)... nor do we “adjust” your spine to constantly counteract the pain caused by your muscles yanking things out of alignment (like chiropractic care)…


The result is lasting change and relief that ripples out into your whole life.

So that…

→ Instead of missing time with your loved ones for yet another physio appointment, you’re playing with them or simply present to their needs and yours.

→ Instead of constantly shifting in your seat trying to find a comfortable position, you’re pain-free, focused, and present at work.

→ Instead of going “ouch” every time you wake up in the morning, you’re up and out to your day without feeling sore.

The difference between physiotherapists, chiropractors, and other forms of therapy for your body pain and what I do is that when you work with me, you’re not treating the symptom – you’re fixing the root cause.

Ready to learn more and try my method on for size?

I have had issues with my back, shoulder, and posture for years without anyone really getting to the root of the problems - until I met Johdi!

Johdi has sorted out these issues and set me up with a set of tailored exercise/movement programs and tools so I know what issues and areas to continue working on moving forward. She is very passionate, positive, energetic, engaged, motivating and overall fun to work with! And she works wonders!


After years of pain and failed attempts to get out of pain, I’m now feeling no pain, am doing activities that I thought I would never do again, and I feel younger, more mobile, and hopeful, thanks to what Johdi’s taught me.

Not only did Johdi heal my back pain with her magic techniques, but she also encouraged me to move safely again and brought back my confidence in my body’s ability to bend, twist, and even walk like it’s supposed to. Before working with Johdi, I was moving like a 90-year-old! That’s to say, I wasn’t hardly moving at all, as I was so scared that my back would block and leave me handicapped for days on end. I was afraid to bend down and get things off the floor, afraid to lift anything or twist in any way. After years of pain and failed attempts to get out of pain, I’m now feeling no pain, am doing activities that I thought I would never do again, and I feel younger, more mobile, and hopeful, thanks to what Johdi’s taught me. Johdi’s motivation and enthusiasm were infectious and she helped me to feel safe to explore new ways of moving again. I feel so much better!


I’m now aware of my problem areas so I know what to work on – and I’m definitely feeling the benefits!

I became more aware of my body and what I needed to do in my everyday life. I’m now aware of my unique problem areas so I know what to work on - and I’m definitely feeling the benefits. Johdi is certainly passionate about keeping herself in the best shape possible through movement and diet as well as keeping mentally positive, and is passionate for others to do the same. And she makes it fun – unheard of!!!!!!


I have really seen a difference, with a huge decrease in back pain and massive increase in mobility.

Johdi made me feel at ease from the start. She took the time to understand the causes of my pain and mobility issues and gave me tailored movements. I have really seen a difference, with a huge decrease in back pain and massive increase in mobility.


Johdi will take endless trouble to find the right solutions for you as an individual. Don’t hesitate - I’m glad I didn’t!

This is a great Go-To place either when all conventional approaches have been tried, OR when a problem first turns up, as it may well get resolved here without medical intervention. Complex issues are dealt with very professionally but in a fun, relaxed way, and on a completely personalised basis. Johdi will take endless trouble to find the right solutions for you as an individual. Don’t hesitate - I’m glad I didn’t!


Ready for results like these?

I work in person at my studio in Gland, Switzerland, and virtually online.  

Which of these options best fits you?


Learn the 5 Little-Known Ways You’re Making Your Pain Worse 

There are a few common ways that women over 40 unintentionally intensify their pain. In this book, you’ll learn precisely what they are so you can cut it out! You’ll also learn what you can do to eliminate your pain for good. 


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