You’re a woman over 40, struggling with chronic pain that feels like it’s been part of your life forever.
You’ve tried everything—physiotherapy, yoga, massages—but nothing sticks. The pain keeps coming back, and it’s more than just a physical burden. 
It’s affecting your life, your mood, your relationships, and your sense of self.
You’re tired of feeling like no one truly understands what you’re going through.
You’re desperate for a solution that actually works, something that gets to the root of your pain and helps you feel like yourself again.
You don’t want a temporary fix; you need lasting relief.
You need someone who understands what it’s like to be in constant pain, someone who won’t just treat your symptoms but will dig deep to find the root cause.
You’re ready for a real change—one that finally lets you live without pain holding you back.
I see you!
Hi, I’m Johdi Woodford, and I know all too well what you’re going through. I know how it feels to be at your wit’s end, to feel like you’ve tried everything but nothing works.
In case we haven’t met, let me tell you a bit about what I do.
  • I’m a Restorative Movement Specialist, and I specialise in uncovering the real cause or causes of your physical pain.
  • I’ve helped hundreds of clients just like you, who’ve been let down by traditional methods, find lasting relief.
  • My approach isn’t about quick fixes or band-aid solutions; it’s about understanding your body’s unique needs and addressing the root causes of your discomfort.
I bring a wealth of personal experience to my work. 
I’ve lived through challenges that most can only imagine—like surviving the loss of a child, dealing with chronic depression and anxiety, and navigating life after a full hysterectomy that put an end to my battle with stage 3 Endometriosis.
These experiences have shaped me into the practitioner I am today—someone who is deeply empathetic, fiercely determined, and endlessly curious about the human body.
I started this journey because I have seen, and am still seeing too many people suffer needlessly, believing that pain is just something they have to live with.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
I’ve been there too—frustrated, exhausted, and losing hope. I’ve faced my own battles, from the shock of being diagnosed with a spinal deformity, to the struggles with chronic illness and the challenges of surviving multiple surgeries.
I know what it’s like to feel disconnected from your body, to lose trust in it, and to wonder if you’ll ever feel “normal” again.
Through all of that, I found a way to not be in pain all the time, and now I’m here to guide you to do the same.
I serve my clients in a multidisciplinary,  holistic way that truly makes a difference because I believe that no one should have to live with pain as a constant companion.
I’m passionate about this work because I know the impact it can have.
I’ve seen how chronic pain can steal your joy, your energy, and your hope.
But I’ve also seen how the right approach can give all of that back.
I’m committed to helping you reclaim your life, not just by treating your pain, but by empowering you to understand and care for your body in a way that keeps get you out of pain, keeps you pain-free, and also shows you how to prevent future injuries.
Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of women over 40 break free from the cycle of chronic pain.
My clients don’t just experience temporary relief—they learn how to maintain their health and live without fear of the pain returning.
They gain a deeper understanding of their bodies, reclaim their strength, and rediscover their zest for life.
I’ve developed a keen sense of intuition, almost like X-ray vision, from years of studying how the body moves and compensates. This allows me to pinpoint the frictions and restrictions under your skin that are causing problems on the surface.
I combine this with my knowledge of Neurokinetic Therapy, Human Gait Analysis, and other advanced techniques to create a treatment plan that’s as unique as you are.


"Johdi is highly professional and can read your body. She doesn’t give up until she finds the source of your problem. Most of all, she’s really friendly and I always feel good after a session with her." - Gilda Solazzo
I’m different from other practitioners because I don’t just focus on where it hurts—I focus on WHY it hurts. I don’t only look at the pain but look at the whole person.
I fully support the idea that your body is unique, and I  embrace that in my approach. I’m here to help you understand it better.
My approach is unlike any other that you’ve tried because it’s grounded in both science and empathy, ensuring that you get the most effective and compassionate care possible.
I’ve faced challenges like depression, anxiety, and chronic illness, so I understand the emotional toll that chronic pain can take.
But these experiences have also driven me to constantly learn, improve, and go the extra mile for my clients.
I’m on a mission to work myself out of a job. When we’ve finished working together, I want you to be able to carry on building on your gains WITHOUT me.
I’m building a practice where women come to be educated to treat and heal themselves, and where they are given the exact information they need to get better and then get back on with life.
My favourite part of this work?
Watching the light come back into my clients’  as they realise they don’t have to live with pain anymore. They go from feeling hopeless to empowered.
That’s what drives me every day.
So if you’re ready to experience real, lasting relief in a way that’s both personalised and holistic, let’s talk.
You deserve to live without pain, and I’m here to help you achieve that.
Click here to read more about how we can work together and start your journey to a pain-free life

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